Monday, March 2, 2009

The difference between love and staplers

I was going to write something witty and educational about safe-words, but than I saw this.

For the linkaphobes the linked article is by Misteress Matisse, a very well known BDSM'er. In the article she talks about how she takes a surgical stapler to a mans nipple and scrotum and how in her mind the is equals love. After all - in her own words - it's easy to confuse the rising heart rate of someone in pain begging for you not to hurt them, with the raising heart rate of someone who's truly in love with you being able to please you. I've never had this problem, niether have my Masters or Misteress, but hey some people may not have the personal skills to tell a kiwi from a Havard Law Professer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for kink and doing whatever you and your fully consenting partner are cool with (and if someone's not mentally capable to understand the whole of the situation than it's not consentual, just a note people). It's just there are somethings that have that new psycopath smell that just don't sit right with anyone who has an ioda of sanity. Misteress Matisse honestly gives the feel of crazy-pshyco-lady when she says:
"He's really scared, I thought. I've never injected heroin, but I do believe the pleasure I felt in that moment could not possibly be rivaled by anything in a syringe. I felt high—and on the heels of that, I felt a surge of tenderness toward him. And then I put another staple into his nipple."

I'm sorry -actually I'm not but let's go with this - but if someone's scared of you and you supposedly feel tenderness or affection towards them, you don't go on doing the thing that's making them feel like you're raping them! Really it's simple, pleasure is pleasure, pain is pain, and rape is rape. If a Dominant can tell that their submissive/slave is scared they have the duty to say "fuck this shit we're stopping" because anything else is non-consetual and thus rape. On top of that if this is a sign of affection for Misteress Matisse I have one word for her; sociopath.

Honestly if causing a lover to be afraid of you and associate you with pain is what you consider affection than you fit the deifnition of scociopath, no matter the kink you're in to. Oh did a fine job of explaining why rape-kink is wrong so I won't go in to that, but seriously people when this is your "thing" than maybe you should take some time out to see a therapists cause your kink is just wrong.


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